TdxCustomScreenTipBand Class
The base class for classes implementing sections in a ScreenTip window.
TdxCustomScreenTipBand = class(
A ScreenTip window is split into three sections – header, description, and footer.
These sections are represented by TdxCustomScreenTipBand descendants – TdxScreenTipBand and TdxScreenTipFooterBand. The TdxCustomScreenTipBand class provides an interface common to sections:
Glyph and GlyphFixedWidth – specify an explanatory image and its width options.
Text property – specifies a descriptive text.
TextAlign property – specifies the horizontal alignment of text in the section.
Additionally, the Font property is provided to identify font options that are currently applied to a descriptive text in a particular section.
Do not use the TdxCustomScreenTipBand class directly. Use its descendants instead.