TdxScreenTip Class
An enhanced ScreenTip.
TdxScreenTip = class(
A ScreenTip is similar to a control’s hint. Both of them are small windows that display descriptive text for a control located under the mouse pointer. Larger ScreenTips however, can also display explanatory images and include various sections. An enhanced ScreenTip (TdxScreenTip) contains three sections – header, description, and footer.
Each section can display an explanatory image and/or a descriptive text (see the section’s Glyph and Text properties, respectively).
You can display a common footer across a number of different ScreenTips. To accomplish this, specify the footer information via the ScreenTip repository’s StandardFooter property and set the UseStandardFooter property to True in specific ScreenTips.
If there are no specific details to be shown in the ScreenTip’s header, set the ScreenTip’s UseHintAsHeader property to True to display a hint in this section specified by the control’s Hint property.
To customize the width of the ScreenTip’s window, use the ScreenTip’s Width property.
From the ScreenTip instance you can access other ScreenTips via the ScreenTip’s Collection property.