TdxCustomFastDIB Class
The base class for all classes that implement simple memory buffers for DIB images.
TdxCustomFastDIB = class(
DIB image buffers are lightweight minimalist containers in comparison to Smart Image containers. The main purpose of an image buffer is to associate a GDI resource with an actual pixel data to draw images on various surfaces that canvas classes implement.
The TdxCustomFastDIB class has the following members that allow you to:
Create an image buffer (Create).
Identify if the buffer has zero size (Empty).
Obtain the image buffer’s dimensions and client area (Width, Height, and ClientRect).
Access the stored image’s array of pixels (Bits).
Clear the image buffer (Clear).
Make all stored pixels opaque (MakeOpaque).
Recreate the image buffer with specified dimensions (Resize).
Do not use the TcxCustomFastDIB class directly. Use its descendants instead.