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dxFillBitmapInfoHeader(TBitmapInfoHeader,Integer,Integer,WordBool) Method

Returns the header information of a specified bitmap object.


procedure dxFillBitmapInfoHeader(out AHeader: TBitmapInfoHeader; AWidth: Integer; AHeight: Integer; ATopDownDIB: WordBool);


Name Type
AHeader TBitmapInfoHeader
AWidth Integer
AHeight Integer
ATopDownDIB WordBool


This method obtains the header information from the bitmap object passed as the ABitmap parameter and returns this information as the AHeader parameter. The second overloaded variant allows you to obtain the header information for a bitmap with dimensions passed as the AWidth and AHeight parameters.

Pass True as the ATopDownDIB parameter to specify if the bitmap object is a top-down DIB. Otherwise, it is considered a bottom-up DIB.


Both the variants set the biPlanes, biBitCount, and biCompression fields of the returned header object to 1, 32, and BI_RGB, respectively.

See Also