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TdxCloudStorageFolder Members

A metadata container corresponding to a folder within the cloud storage content structure.


Name Description
Create(TdxCloudStorageFiles) Creates a new TdxCloudStorageCustomFolder class descendant instance for the specified cloud file storage manager. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageCustomFolder.


Name Description
Children Provides access to the folder’s content. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageCustomFolder.
CreatedDate Returns the online storage resource’s creation date. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
DownloadLink protected Returns the stored file’s universal resource identifier (URI). Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
DriveID Returns the drive ID that indicates on which drive the online resource is stored on the connected Microsoft OneDrive® server. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
FileSize protected Returns the stored file’s size, in bytes. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
IconLink Returns a universal resource identifier (URI) of the icon corresponding to the online resource’s type. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
ID Returns the online resource’s unique identifier within the connected cloud file storage service account. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
IsLoaded Identifies if the folder’s content structure is loaded from the connected online storage service’s server. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageCustomFolder.
MIMEType Returns the online resource’s MIME content type. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
ModifiedDate Returns the online resource’s last modification date. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
Name Returns the online storage resource’s name. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
Parents Provides access to the list of the online storage resource’s direct parent folders. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
Permissions Provides access to the collection of item access permissions. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
Shared Identifies whether the online storage resource is shared. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
Trashed Identifies if the online storage resource is within the “Trash” special folder. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.


Name Description
CopyTo(TdxCloudStorageFolder) Copies the online resource to the specified folder within the same cloud file storage. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
CreateFolder(string) Creates a new empty folder with the specified name within the current folder.
Delete Deletes the online resource. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
FetchChildren(Boolean) Loads the folder’s content structure from the connected online file storage’s server. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageCustomFolder.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
HasChildren Identifies if the folder has any loaded content. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageCustomFolder.
IndexOf(TdxCloudStorageItem) Returns the index of the specified resource within the folder. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageCustomFolder.
IsFolder Identifies if the online resource is a folder. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
IsRoot Identifies if the current folder is the root folder on the connected cloud service storage account. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageCustomFolder.
MoveTo(TdxCloudStorageFolder) Moves the online resource to the specified folder. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
MoveToTrash Moves the online resource to the “Trash” special folder. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
RestoreFromTrash Restores the online resource from the “Trash” special folder. Inherited from TdxCloudStorageItem.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
UploadFile(string) Uploads a locally stored file to the cloud folder.
See Also