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TdxOAuth2AuthorizationAgent.OnReceiveAccessToken Event

In This Article

Occurs on an attempt to receive an OAuth 2.0 account access token.


property OnReceiveAccessToken: TReceiveAccessTokenEvent read; write;


This event occurs immediately prior to an attempt to receive an authorization code from an OAuth 2.0 authentication server. You can handle the OnReceiveAccessToken event to override all the authentication and authorization routines that the TdxOAuth2AuthorizationAgent class and its descendants provide. Refer to the TReceiveAccessTokenEvent nested procedural type description for detailed information on parameters that you can use in the OnReceiveAccessToken event handler.


The authorization agent component executes its standard authentication and authorization routines if the custom code within the OnReceiveAccessToken event handler has failed to obtain a valid OAuth 2.0 account access token.

See Also