TdxOAuth2AuthorizationAgent Class
The base class for all classes that implement components that authorize DevExpress products in various online accounts via the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
TdxOAuth2AuthorizationAgent = class abstract(TdxCustomAuthorizationAgent)
This class implements the functionality required to work with the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol.
The TdxOAuth2AuthorizationAgent class has the following members that allow you to:
Specify the authorization credentials that identify your application to an OAuth 2.0 server (ClientID and ClientSecret).
Obtain the OAuth 2.0 client secret from a dedicated external resource on demand (OnGetClientSecret).
Specify the address to receive the account access token (RedirectUri).
Add/remove online data providers to/from the list of account scope requestors (RegisterScopeRequestor and UnregisterScopeRequestor).
Clear the cached list of account access permissions (RefreshScopes).
Specify how your application identifies itself to an OAuth 2.0 server on authorization (UserAgent).
Manage the authorization session (StartAuthorization, FinishAuthorization, and RestartAuthorization).
Track the authorization session state (IsAuthorized, OnStartAuthorization, and OnFinishAuthorization).
Obtain authorization error information (OnError).
Obtain the current account access and refresh tokens (AccessToken, AccessTokenType, and RefreshToken).
Obtain the access token’s full lifetime (AccessTokenExpiresIn).
Identify if the access token has expired (IsAccessTokenValid).
Manage the access and refresh tokens (RefreshAccessToken, ValidateAccessToken, Load, and RevokeAccessToken).
Provide a custom implementation of all authentication and authorization routines (OnReceiveAccessToken).
Do not use the TdxOAuth2AuthorizationAgent class directly. Use its descendants instead.