TdxOAuth2AuthorizationAgent.TGetClientSecretEvent Type
The OAuth 2.0 client secret acquisition event type.
Name | Type | Description |
Sender | TObject | The OAuth 2. |
AClient |
string | A client secret string. |
The client secret acquisition event occurs immediately prior to sending a request to an OAuth 2.0 authorization server and allows you to increase your application security. Handle this event to obtain a client secret from an external source (such as a dedicated server) on demand instead of storing the secret in source code as a ClientSecret property value.
The Sender parameter provides access to the OAuth 2.0-compatible authorization agent component that raised the event. To access the authorization agent’s class members, cast the parameter value to the corresponding TdxOAuth2AuthorizationAgent class descendant (TdxMicrosoftGraphAPIOAuth2AuthorizationAgent, for instance). You can call the Sender.ClassName function to identify the actual authorization agent component type.
Use the AClientSecret parameter to provide a client secret string for use as a part of an HTTP request to an OAuth 2.0 authorization server instead of the ClientSecret property value.
The [OnGetClientSecret] event references the TGetClientSecretEvent nested procedural type.