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TdxGoogleAPIOAuth2AuthorizationAgentUserInfo Class

A data provider designed to load user information from a connected Google online account.


TdxGoogleAPIOAuth2AuthorizationAgentUserInfo = class(


The Google user information provider can obtain general account information (such as a user name or e-mail) from a Google account.

#Main API Members

The list below outlines key members of the TdxGoogleAPIOAuth2AuthorizationAgentUserInfo class. These members allow you to obtain user information from a Google account.

#Online Service Interaction APIs

Provides access to the parent authorization agent component.
Creates a new user information provider for the target Google authorization agent component.
Connects to a Google account through the parent authorization agent and loads user information.

#User Information APIs

Returns the display name of the connected account’s owner.
Returns the e-mail of the connected account’s owner.

#Code Example: Obtain User Information from a Google Account

The following code example creates a user information provider and uses a configured TdxGoogleAPIOAuth2AuthorizationAgent component to display user information from an online account in the form caption:

The following code example creates a user information provider and uses a configured TdxMicrosoftGraphAPIOAuth2AuthorizationAgent component to display user information from an online account in the form caption:

  AInfo: TdxAuthorizationAgentUserInfo;
  AInfo := TdxAuthorizationAgentUserInfo.GetUserInfo(dxGoogleAPIOAuth2AuthorizationAgent1);
  if AInfo = nil then Exit;
    AInfo.UpdateInfo;  // Obtains user information through the authorization agent component
    Caption := Caption + Format(' User Name: %s; e-mail: %s', [AInfo.DisplayName, AInfo.Mail]);
    AInfo.Free;  // Releases the user information provider to avoid memory leaks

#Other Online Service Data Providers

User information providers allow you to retrieve only basic user information from a compatible online service account. The sections below list dedicated online service data provider classes that allow you to synchronize data between an online account and your desktop VCL application.

#Cloud Storage Provider Classes

You can use the following data providers to synchronize data between the TdxCloudStorage component and a cloud storage account.

An online file provider that can work with the Google Drive file storage service.
An online file data provider that can work with Microsoft OneDrive®.

#Online Calendar Provider Classes

You can use the following data providers to synchronize events between the TcxScheduler control and an online calendar.

An online event data provider that can work with Google accounts.
An online event data provider that can work with Microsoft accounts.
See Also