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TdxOAuth2AuthorizationAgent.RedirectUri Property

Specifies the universal resource identifier to receive an OAuth 2.0 account access token.


property RedirectUri: string read; write;

Property Value



Use this property to specify the service-specific redirect URI to handle authorization server responses. The following table lists supported online service types, their corresponding redirect URIs and the RedirectUri property behavior:

Online Service Provider



Do not change the default loopback address if you use the TdxGoogleAPIOAuth2AuthorizationAgent component in an application. The component uses the loopback address to access the local HTTP server that authenticates and authorizes the application in a Google account. The RedirectUri property setter throws an exception when it accepts any URI other than ‘http://localhost‘. This URI can include a port number delimited by a colon.


The authorization agent automatically generates a random port number to access the local HTTP server. If the generated port number is already used by another application or service, assign a free port to the RedirectUriPort property.


Set the RedirectUri property to ‘urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob:auto’ if you use the TdxMicrosoftGraphAPIOAuth2AuthorizationAgent component in an application registered with the Microsoft Azure AD v2.0 endpoint with the default settings.

The RedirectUri property’s default value is the DefaultRedirectUri writeable typed constant.

See Also