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TdxGoogleAPIOAuth2AuthorizationAgentUserInfo.GetScopes Method

Returns the list of user information access permissions that the associated authorization agent requests on a successful connection to a Google account.


function GetScopes: TStringList; override;




This function supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. The Google OAuth 2.0 authorization agent component calls the GetScopes function internally via the IdxOAuth2AuthorizationAgentScopeRequestor interface to request the following user information access permission strings:

Account Access Scope String Description Corresponding Property
‘profile’ The provider can retrieve the user display name from the connected Google account. DisplayName
‘email’ The provider can retrieve the user’s email from the connected Google account. Mail


Call the UpdateInfo procedure to attempt to connect to a Google online account with the current authorization agent settings and obtain the user information.

See Also