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TcxCustomShellListView.Folders Property

Provides access to shell items that are displayed within a shell list view.


property Folders[AIndex: Integer]: TcxShellFolder read;

Property Value



Use the Folders property to access shell items (folder objects and file objects) that are displayed within a shell list view. Each shell item is represented by an instance of the TcxShellFolder class.

The shell items within the Folders property correspond to the items within the InnerListView.Items property, i.e. these items have the same indexes by which they can be addressed.

When the current folder changes, the Folders property provides access to the shell items within the current folder. Every time a shell item is added to the shell list view, the OnAddFolder event is raised.

Use the FolderCount property to obtain the total number of shell items that are displayed within a shell list view.

See Also