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TcxSchedulerEvent Members

A persistent user event object in the scheduler control.


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomSchedulerStorage,Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the TcxSchedulerEvent class with specified settings.
Create(TcxCustomSchedulerStorage,Pointer) Initializes a new instance of the TcxSchedulerEvent class with specified settings.


Name Description
ActualFinish Gets the user event’s end date or the end date of its last occurrence if the user event is recurring.
ActualStart Gets the user event’s start date or the start date of its first occurrence if the user event is recurring.
AllDayEvent Specifies whether the user event is an all-day event (an event that lasts at least 24 hours or longer).
Caption Specifies the caption of the user event.
Duration Specifies the user event’s duration.
EditValues Provides indexed access to the user event object’s properties in edit mode.
Enabled This property is used as a custom property.
EventType Specifies the status of the user event’s reoccurrences.
Finish Specifies the user event’s end time, for the primary time zone.
GroupID Determines the task group’s identifier.
ID Gets the unique identifier of the user event.
IsEditing Determines whether the user event is in edit mode.
IsGroup Specifies the task as a task group in the Gantt View.
LabelColor Specifies the user event’s color.
Location Specifies the text that represents the location at which the user event is being held.
Message Specifies the text for the end-user’s description of the user event.
ParentGroup Specifies the task’s group in the Gantt View.
ParentID Specifies the unique identifier of the user event.
Pattern Gets the user event’s parent.
ReadOnly Gets the user event’s read-only status.
RecurrenceIndex Specifies which one of the user event’s reoccurrences this is.
RecurrenceInfo Provides access to the user event’s recurrence data.
Reminder Specifies whether the reminder is on or off.
ReminderDate Specifies the date and time of the user event’s reminder.
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart Specifies the time-out in minutes for the reminder of the user event.
ResourceID Specifies the resource’s unique identifier for the user event.
ResourceIDCount Returns the number of resources that reference the user event.
ResourceIDs Provides indexed access to unique identifiers of resources that reference the user event.
Shared Gets whether the user event is shared between different resources.
Start Specifies the user event’s start time, for the primary time zone.
State Specifies the availability status of the user event.
Storage Represents the persistence manager component.
TaskComplete Specifies the task completion, as a percentage.
TaskIndex Specifies the row in which the current task resides.
TaskLinkOwners References a collection that stores predecessor tasks to which the current task is linked.
TaskLinks Represents task links that belong to the TcxSchedulerEvent instance.
TaskStatus Specifies the task status.
UTCFinish Specifies the user event’s end time, for the UTC time zone.
UTCStart Specifies the user event’s start time, for the UTC time zone.
ValueCount Gets the number of the storage fields that store the TcxSchedulerEvent property values.
Values Provides indexed access to the storage fields that store the current TcxSchedulerEvent object’s properties values.


Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignAttributes(TcxSchedulerEvent,Boolean) Copies the contents of the ASource user event.
AssignDefaultValues protected
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginEditing Loads the current object properties’ values for editing and activates edit mode for the user event.
Cancel Deactivates edit mode and prevents the user event from being updated in storage.
CanLink(TcxSchedulerEvent) Checks whether an event can be linked to the current task when scheduling in the Gantt View.
Conflicts(Boolean) Determines whether other user events overlap with the scheduled time of the user event.
CreateConflictsInfo(Boolean) Instantiates a TcxSchedulerEventConflictsInfo object which contains information on any user events that overlap with the user event.
Delete Removes the user event from storage and memory and updates the scheduler to reflect the changes.
DeleteExceptions Deletes all the custom occurrences and exceptions if the user event is the pattern.
EndEditing Flushes the updated user event to storage and deactivates edit mode for it.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetCustomFieldValue(TcxCustomSchedulerStorageField) Returns the user-defined attribute’s value of the user event from the ACustomField in the TcxSchedulerStorageFields collection.
GetCustomFieldValueByIndex(Integer) Returns the user-defined attribute’s value of the user event from the TcxSchedulerStorageFields collection at the position specified by the AIndex parameter.
GetCustomFieldValueByName(string) Returns the user-defined attribute’s value of the user event from the AName custom field, located in the TcxSchedulerStorageFields collection.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOccurrence(TDateTime) Returns the recurring user event’s occurrence by the ADate.
GetOriginalDate Returns the start date and time of the user event.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
GetRecurrenceChain Loads all the TcxSchedulerEvent objects that represent exceptions or custom occurrences of the user event, from storage and puts them in the TcxSchedulerEventList collection, if the flag etPattern on the user event’s EventType property is active.

Returns the TcxSchedulerStorageResourceItem object, which represents the schedule resource.

This method is deprecated.

GetTaskLinkOwnerRelation(TcxSchedulerEvent,TcxSchedulerEventRelation) Checks whether the current task (the successor) and a specified task (the predecessor) are linked, and obtains the link type.
GetValidTaskTimeRange(TDateTime,TDateTime) Validates the current task’s time start and end time.
GetValidTaskTimeRangeByRelation(TcxSchedulerEventRelation,TcxSchedulerEvent,TDateTime,TDateTime) Validates the current task’s time bounds.
HasAsParentGroup(TcxSchedulerEvent) Determines whether AEvent is the task’s group parent.
HasChildren Determines whether the task owns the group children.
HasExceptions Specifies whether the user event has custom occurrences or exceptions in the chain of reoccurrences if this user event is the parent of this chain.
IsDayEvent(TDateTime) Checks whether the ADate date contains the user event.
IsRecurring Checks whether the user event is recurring.
IsResourceEvent(TcxSchedulerStorageResourceItem,Boolean) Checks whether the user event belongs to the AResource resource.
IsSharedWithResource(Variant) Checks whether the user event belongs to the AResourceItem resource.
MoveTo(TDateTime) Changes the user event’s start time to the start time specified by the AStartTime parameter.
Post Submits the user event to storage and updates the scheduler to reflect the changes.
RemoveRecurrence Changes the state of the user event from recurring to regular.
ReplaceResourceID(Variant) Replaces an associated resource with a new one or adds a new resource if the user event is shared between resources.
SetCustomFieldValue(TcxCustomSchedulerStorageField,Variant) Writes the AValue user-defined attribute’s value of the user event to the ACustomField in the TcxSchedulerStorageFields collection.
SetCustomFieldValueByIndex(Integer,Variant) Writes the AValue user-defined attribute’s value of the user event to the custom field located at the AIndex position in the TcxSchedulerStorageFields collection.
SetCustomFieldValueByName(string,Variant) Writes the AValue user-defined attribute’s value of the user event to the custom field identified by the AName in the TcxSchedulerStorageFields collection.
ShareWithResource(Variant) Assigns the user event to the resource specified by the AResourceItem or AResourceID parameter.
TimeBias Returns the system time offset from UTC.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
UnshareWithResource(Variant) Disassociates the user event from the AResourceItem resource.
See Also