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TcxCompareEventsProc Type

Provides a callback reference.


TcxCompareEventsProc = function(AEvent1: TcxSchedulerEvent; AEvent2: TcxSchedulerEvent): Integer;


Name Type
AEvent1 TcxSchedulerEvent
AEvent2 TcxSchedulerEvent

Referenced Class



The TcxCompareEventsProc type enables custom comparisons of the AEvent1 and AEvent2 user events to be made in a method that has the same signature as the TcxCompareEventsProc and will be called when the TcxSchedulerEventList.Sort method is invoked. Comparing is used in sorting operations in the TcxSchedulerEventList collection.

Note: The method implemented should return values as described below when comparing in ascending order:

Value Description
> 0 (positive) Item1 is less than Item2.
0 Item1 is equal to Item2.
< 0 (negative) Item1 is greater than Item2.
See Also