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TcxSchedulerEvent.Values Property

Provides indexed access to the storage fields that store the current TcxSchedulerEvent object’s properties values.


property Values[Index: Integer]: Variant read; write;

Property Value



The Values property provides a unified interface to work with the data in bound or unbound mode. The zero-based Index parameter specifies the field’s index.

Use the Values property to get the current TcxSchedulerEvent properties’ values from the storage fields:

Index Property
0 TcxSchedulerEvent.Caption
1 TcxSchedulerEvent.EventType
2 TcxSchedulerEvent.Finish
3 TcxSchedulerEvent.LabelColor
4 TcxSchedulerEvent.Location
5 TcxSchedulerEvent.Message
6 TcxSchedulerEvent.AllDayEvent, TcxSchedulerEvent.Enabled, TcxSchedulerEvent.Reminder and TcxSchedulerEventLinks.Expanded are bound to the same field. This field stores a bitwise combination representing them.
7 TcxSchedulerEvent.ParentID
8 TcxSchedulerEvent.RecurrenceIndex
9 TcxSchedulerEvent.RecurrenceInfo
10 TcxSchedulerEvent.ReminderDate
11 TcxSchedulerEvent.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart
12 TcxSchedulerEvent.ResourceID
13 TcxSchedulerEvent.Start
14 TcxSchedulerEvent.State
15 TcxSchedulerEvent.ActualFinish
16 TcxSchedulerEvent.ActualStart
17 TcxSchedulerEvent.TaskComplete
18 TcxSchedulerEvent.TaskIndex
19 TcxSchedulerEvent.TaskLinks
20 TcxSchedulerEvent.TaskStatus
21 ReminderResourcesData
22 TcxSchedulerEvent.GroupID


If custom fields are defined in an application (see the TcxSchedulerStorage.CustomFields and TcxSchedulerDBStorage.CustomFields properties), they can be accessed starting from an index of 23, in the same order that they were defined at design-time in the collection editor. It is recommended to use the TcxSchedulerEvent.GetCustomFieldValue, TcxSchedulerEvent.GetCustomFieldValueByIndex, TcxSchedulerEvent.GetCustomFieldValueByName or TcxSchedulerEvent.SetCustomFieldValue, TcxSchedulerEvent.SetCustomFieldValueByIndex and TcxSchedulerEvent.SetCustomFieldValueByName methods, instead of the Values property when working with the custom fields.

See Also