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TcxSchedulerResourceEvent Type

The procedural type of a resource state change notification event.


TcxSchedulerResourceEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AResource: TcxSchedulerStorageResourceItem) of object;


Name Type
Sender TObject
AResource TcxSchedulerStorageResourceItem


Use the Sender parameter to access the persistence manager that raised a TcxSchedulerResourceEvent event. Use the AResource parameter to identify and access the event resource whose state has been changed in the Sender persistence manager. To access the manager’s members, you need to cast the Sender parameter to the corresponding persistence manager class (TcxSchedulerDBStorage or TcxSchedulerWebServiceStorage, for instance).

The TcxSchedulerDBStorageResources.OnResourceLoaded and TcxSchedulerStorageResources.OnResourceVisibleChanged events reference the TcxSchedulerResourceEvent type.

See Also