cxSchedulerStorage Unit
Name | Description |
TcxCustomSchedulerStorage | The base class for all classes that implement persistence manager components that the Scheduler control can use. |
TcxCustomSchedulerStorageField | The base class for all classes that implement persistent fields for storing specific user event data. |
TcxCustomSchedulerStorageFields | The base class for all classes that implement collections of persistent fields for storing specific user event data. |
TcxDoublyLinkedEventList | |
TcxDoublyLinkedEventListData | |
TcxSchedulerControlEvent | A temporary in-memory user event object in the scheduler control. |
TcxSchedulerControlEventID | A TcxSchedulerControlEvent instance’s unique identifier. |
TcxSchedulerCustomReminderForm | |
TcxSchedulerEditingEventInfo | |
TcxSchedulerEditingEventInfoList | |
TcxSchedulerEvent | A persistent user event object in the scheduler control. |
TcxSchedulerEventConflictsInfo | Contains information on overlapped user events. |
TcxSchedulerEventEditInfo | Contains the Event dialog’s settings. |
TcxSchedulerEventGroupItems | |
TcxSchedulerEventItemLink | The TcxSchedulerEventItemLink represents a task connector that visually links a predecessor task (the link owner) and a successor task in Gantt View. |
TcxSchedulerEventLinks | A collection of task connectors that visually link a predecessor task to successor tasks in Gantt View. |
TcxSchedulerEventLinksController | |
TcxSchedulerEventList | Implements a collection containing TcxSchedulerEvent objects. |
TcxSchedulerEventRecurrenceInfo | Contains information about a user event‘s recurrences. |
TcxSchedulerFilteredEventList | Implements a collection containing TcxSchedulerControlEvent objects. |
TcxSchedulerOccurrenceCalculator | The TcxSchedulerOccurrenceCalculator class provides functionality for examining occurrences. |
TcxSchedulerReminder | The TcxSchedulerReminder class implements the user event‘s reminder. |
TcxSchedulerReminderEventID | The TcxSchedulerReminderEventID class implements the unique identifier of the user event that contains the scheduled reminder. |
TcxSchedulerReminders | The TcxSchedulerReminders class manages timed out reminders, and also allows the Reminders window to be invoked. |
TcxSchedulerStorage | A persistence manager that stores user event data and resources in a file system. |
TcxSchedulerStorageDataController | Represents a data controller that handles data from a custom data source. |
TcxSchedulerStorageField | The TcxSchedulerStorageField implements a persistent field in a data store to store the TcxSchedulerEvent or TcxSchedulerStorageResourceItem property. |
TcxSchedulerStorageFields | The TcxSchedulerStorageFields implements a collection containing TcxSchedulerStorageField objects for working with the file system store (see the TcxSchedulerStorage persistence manager). |
TcxSchedulerStorageResourceItem | An event storage resource persisted in a data store. |
TcxSchedulerStorageResourceItems | A collection of event storage resources. |
TcxSchedulerStorageResources | Contains event storage resources and concomitant settings. |
Name | Description |
IcxSchedulerEventEditorForm | |
IcxSchedulerStorageListener | Allows the control to update itself when the storage component changes its data. |
IcxSchedulerStorageListener2 | |
IcxShedulerCustomEditorForm |
Name | Description |
TcxSchedulerReminderDueTimeInfo | Contains information on the active reminder. |
TcxSchedulerReminderResource | Contains information on a reminder defined with a specific resource. |
TcxSchedulerReminderResourcesData | Contains information on reminders currently active in the scheduler. |
Name | Description |
TcxEventType | Enumerates the available state values for the TcxSchedulerEvent.EventType property. |
TcxOccurrenceDateStatus | |
TcxSchedulerEventRelation | Enumerates available connector types. |
TcxSchedulerEventTaskStatus | Enumerates available task status values. |
TcxSchedulerReminderDueTimeElement | Enumerates available units of the time measure for the reminder. |
TcxSchedulerReminderDueTimeKind | Enumerates available state values for the reminder. |
Name | Description |
cxDueTimeInfoToText(TcxSchedulerReminderDueTimeInfo) | Returns information on the toggled reminder’s state as a formatted string. |
cxFieldValueToReminderResourcesData(Variant) | Transfers the reminder data from the dataset field to the TcxSchedulerReminderResourcesData record. |
cxGetRecurrenceDescriptionString(TcxSchedulerEventRecurrenceInfo,Boolean) | Returns the user event‘s recurring information as a string. |
cxReminderResourcesDataToFieldValue(TcxSchedulerReminderResourcesData) | Transfers the reminder data from the TcxSchedulerReminderResourcesData record to the dataset field. |
Name | Description |
cxDueTimeInfoToTextProc | Binds a function, which returns information on the reminder state. |
cxGetRecurrenceDescriptionStringProc | Binds a routine, which represents information in the Event recurrence dialog. |
cxMaxCheckedDuration | Specifies the additional period of time to search for any overlapped user events. |
cxSchedulerEventConflictsInfoClass | Represents the TcxSchedulerEventConflictsInfo class or its descendant. |
omAllDayEvent | Denotes that the user event is an all-day event. |
omCollapsed | Denotes the predecessor task’s expand status. |
omEnabled | Denotes that the user event‘s time is later than the host environment’s time. |
omGroup | Denotes that the user event is a task group. |
omReminder | Denotes that the user event‘s reminder is on. |
tlsBusy | Denotes the state of the TcxSchedulerEvent.State property that indicates that a person is in the office but unavailable to others. |
tlsFree | Denotes the state of the TcxSchedulerEvent.State property that indicates that a person is in the office and available to others. |
tlsOutOfOffice | Denotes the state of the TcxSchedulerEvent.State property that indicates that a person is out of the office and unavailable to others. |
tlsTentative | Denotes the state of the TcxSchedulerEvent.State property that indicates that a person is in the office and tentatively available to others. |
Name | Description |
TcxCompareEventsProc | Provides a callback reference. |
TcxDueTimeInfoToTextProc | |
TcxGetRecurrenceDescriptionStringProc | |
TcxOnAfterEditingProc | |
TcxOnDeleteEventFunc | Provides a callback reference for the TcxCustomScheduler.OnBeforeDeleting event handler. |
TcxSchedulerEventConflictsInfoClass | |
TcxSchedulerEventIntersectEvent | |
TcxSchedulerFilterEventEvent | |
TcxSchedulerForEachEventHandlerProc | |
TcxSchedulerGetEventDueTimeTextEvent | |
TcxSchedulerGetReminderWindowCaption | |
TcxSchedulerGetResourceImageIndexEvent | |
TcxSchedulerGetResourceNameEvent | |
TcxSchedulerNotificationEvent | |
TcxSchedulerReminderEvent | |
TcxSchedulerReminderFormClass | |
TcxSchedulerReminderOpenEvent | |
TcxSchedulerReminderResources | A collection of TcxSchedulerReminderResource records. |
TcxSchedulerRemindersEvent | |
TcxSchedulerResourceEvent | The procedural type of a resource state change notification event. |
TcxSchedulerSnoozeReminderEvent | |
TcxSchedulerStorageResourceItemClass |