TcxSchedulerStorage Class
A persistence manager that stores user event data and resources in a file system.
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This class implements the unbound event data store mode in the ExpressScheduler Suite. Assign a TcxSchedulerStorage component to the Scheduler control’s Storage property to display and manage user events persisted in a file.
The TcxSchedulerStorage class provides the following members that allow you to:
Associate the persistence manager with a holidays storage component (Holidays);
Access individual resources and their settings (Resources);
Obtain the number of resources, their display names, and identifiers (ResourceCount, ResourceNames, and ResourceIDs);
Improve the application performance when performing multiple event changes (BeginUpdate and EndUpdate);
Create new empty user events (createEvent);
Post all pending new events (PostEvents);
Access individual stored events (Events);
Persist user events and resources in a file or stream (SaveToStream, SaveToFile, LoadFromStream, and LoadFromFile);
Delete all user events (Clear).
The Scheduler control’s Storage property references a TcxSchedulerStorage class instance as a TcxCustomSchedulerStorage object.