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TcxSchedulerEventEditInfo Class

Contains the Event dialog’s settings.


TcxSchedulerEventEditInfo = class(


Field Description
AllowDelete Specifies whether the dialog’s Delete button is enabled. Set AllowDelete to True, to enable the button.
AllowHiddenEvents Specifies whether scheduled times of user events that don’t belong to any resources will be considered as free when searching for free time blocks. Set AllowHiddenEvents to True, to allow Event intersection with these user events.
BiasTime Specifies the time offset between the time stored in a data store and the time displayed in the scheduler.
DialogsStyle Specifies the dialog’s paint style.
Intersection Specifies if user events can overlap/intersect. Set Intersection to True, to allow overlapping events.
Event Specifies the user event to be edited.
ForcePatternEditing Specifies whether the parent user event or its occurrence will be loaded into the dialog. Set ForcePatternEditing to True, to edit the parent user event.
LookAndFeel Specifies the dialog’s look and feel settings.
OnDeleteFunc Specifies the callback reference for the TcxCustomScheduler.OnBeforeDeleting event handler.
ReadOnly Specifies whether Event is modifiable. Set ReadOnly to True, to forbid edit mode in the dialog.
Recurrence Specifies whether the Event recurrence dialog can be invoked when the Recurrence button is clicked. Set Recurrence to True, to display the Event recurrence dialog.
RecurrenceButton Specifies whether the Recurrence button is displayed in the dialog. Set RecurrenceButton to True, to display the button.
ShowModal Specifies whether the dialog is modal or not. Set ShowModal to True, to make the dialog modal. Use the scheduler’s OptionsBehavior.ModalDialogs property to specify the default ShowModal field value.
ShowResources Specifies whether the Resource check combo box will be shown in the dialog. Set ShowResources to True, to display the Resource editor.
ShowTaskComplete Specifies whether the Task Complete spin editor will be shown in the dialog. Set ShowTaskComplete to True, to display the Task Complete editor.

A TcxSchedulerEventEditInfo object is referenced by:


See Also