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cxSchedulerCustomResourceView Unit


Name Description
TcxSchedulerBackgroundCellViewInfo A ViewInfo class that contains information required to render the scheduler area background.
TcxSchedulerContainerCellViewInfo A ViewInfo class that contains the details required to render the all-day event area.
TcxSchedulerContentCellViewInfo A ViewInfo class that contains the details required to render the time blocks.
TcxSchedulerCustomResourceView The common ancestor for all time View types.
TcxSchedulerCustomResourceViewHitTest The base class for classes that store HitTest information for time Views.
TcxSchedulerCustomResourceViewInfoItem A ViewInfo class that extends its ancestor with information on scheduler area elements used to draw user events grouped by resources.
TcxSchedulerCustomViewInfoItem A ViewInfo class that contains information which is used to render the various elements of the scheduler area.
TcxSchedulerDayHeaderCellViewInfo A ViewInfo class that contains the details required to render the day cells.
TcxSchedulerEventCellViewInfo A ViewInfo class that contains the information required to render a user event.
TcxSchedulerEventImageItem Represents the user event icon.
TcxSchedulerEventImages Implements a collection, which contains user event icons.
TcxSchedulerGroupSeparatorCellViewInfo A ViewInfo class that contains the details required to render the resource group separator.
TcxSchedulerHeaderCellViewInfo A ViewInfo class that contains the information required to render the different types of header cells.
TcxSchedulerMonthDayContentCellViewInfo A ViewInfo class that contains details required to render the month day cell in the Weeks or Year View.
TcxSchedulerMoreEventsButtonViewInfo A ViewInfo class that contains the details required to render the More Events button.
TcxSchedulerResourceViewInfo A ViewInfo class that stores basic resource information.
TcxSchedulerTimeRulerCellViewInfo A ViewInfo class that contains the details required to render a time ruler.


Name Description
TcxSchedulerDayHeaderModernStyleDisplayMode Enumerates display modes available for Modern-Style day headers.
TcxSchedulerEventImagesLayout Enumerates the available types of icon layout in the user event‘s rectangle.
TcxSchedulerEventImageType Enumerates the available types of icons that are shown within the user event‘s rectangle.