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cxSchedulerDialogs Unit


Name Description
cxShowEventEditorEx(TcxSchedulerEventEditInfo,Boolean) Invokes the Event dialog used for editing a user event.
cxShowGoToDateDialog(TcxCustomScheduler,TcxLookAndFeel,TDateTime,TcxSchedulerViewMode) Invokes the Go To Date dialog for the specified scheduler.
cxShowHolidaysEditor(TcxSchedulerHolidays,TcxLookAndFeel,TControl) Invokes the Holidays editor dialog for the specified TcxSchedulerHolidays component.
cxShowRecurrenceEditor(TcxSchedulerControlEvent,TcxLookAndFeel,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,TControl) Invokes the Event recurrence dialog used for editing the recurrence details of the AEvent user event.
cxShowRecurrenceHolidayEditor(TcxSchedulerHolidaysLocationHoliday,TcxLookAndFeel,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,TControl) Invokes the “Holiday recurrence” dialog for the specified holiday.
cxShowResourcesLayoutEditor(TcxCustomSchedulerStorage,TcxLookAndFeel) Invokes the “Resources layout editor” dialog designed to switch visibility of individual event resources and rearrange them.
cxShowTaskDependencyEditor(TcxSchedulerEventItemLink,TcxLookAndFeel,TControl) Invokes the Task Dependency dialog used to modify the specified task link when scheduling in the Gantt View.


Name Description
cxEventEditorClass Represents the Event dialog.
cxRecurrenceEventEditorClass Represents the Event recurrence dialog.
cxReminderFormClass Represents the Reminders window.
UseSchedulerColorInDialogs Specifies whether the scheduler control’s color scheme is applied to the background color of the Event, Event recurrence, Go To Date and Resources layout editor dialogs.