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TcxLookAndFeelController Properties

A deprecated component that manages look & feel settings for all DevExpress controls in an application.
Name Description
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
FormCorners protected Specifies the corner shape of all skinned forms. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
Kind Deprecated. Specifies the active deprecated look & feel style for DevExpress controls. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
NativeStyle Specifies if all forms and DevExpress controls in an application use operating system-dependent draw routines to render all UI elements. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
RenderMode Specifies the render mode for all DevExpress controls in an application. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
ScrollbarMode Specifies the default scrollbar mode for all DevExpress controls in an application. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
ScrollMode Specifies the default scroll mode for all DevExpress controls in an application. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
ShowFormShadow protected Specifies if a skinned application form casts a shadow. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
SkinName Specifies the name of the active skin in an application. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
SkinPaletteName protected Specifies the name of the active color palette. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
TouchMode Specifies if Touch mode is enabled. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
UseImageSet protected Specifies the active image draw mode for the skinning engine. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
UseSkins protected Specifies if the selected skin and palette affect an application. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
UseSkinsInPopupMenus protected Specifies if the active skin and palette affect pop-up menus. Inherited from TcxCustomLookAndFeelController.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
See Also