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TcxControlOptionsFilteringItemExcelPopup.DefaultPage Property

Specifies which page of the Excel-inspired filter dropdown is active by default.


property DefaultPage: TdxExcelFilterValueContainerDefaultPage read; write; default dpDefault;

Property Value

Type Default
TdxExcelFilterValueContainerDefaultPage dpDefault


Set this property to dpValues or dpFilters to explicitly show the Values or Filters page of the filter dropdown when it is invoked. Refer to the TdxExcelFilterValueContainerDefaultPage type description for details.

A container control item’s Properties.Options.ExcelFilterPopup.DefaultPage property overrides the DefaultPage property. If the former property is set to dpDefault, the item inherits the default filter dropdown page from the container control. The dxDefaultExcelFilterValueContainerDefaultPage global constant defines the filter dropdown’s default page if dpDefault is assigned to both properties.

The DefaultPage property’s default value is dpDefault.

See Also