TableCell Properties
Represents a single table cell.Name | Description |
BackgroundColor | Gets or sets the color of the cell background. |
Borders | Provides access to a TableCellBorders interface that describes all the borders for the specified cell. |
BottomPadding | Gets or sets the amount of space below the contents of a single cell in a table. |
ColumnSpan | Gets the number of columns that the cell spans. |
ContentRange | Gets the document range that contains the cell content (excluding the table paragraph mark). |
Height | Gets or sets the height of a table cell. |
HeightType | Gets or sets the type of a rule used to determine the height of a cell. |
Index | Gets the zero-based index of the cell in a row. |
LeftPadding | Gets or sets the amount of space to the left of the contents of a single cell in a table. |
NestingLevel | Gets the nesting level of the table containing a current cell. |
Next | Gets the next cell in a row. |
PreferredWidth | Gets or sets the numerical value of the preferred width. |
PreferredWidthType | Gets or sets how the width of a cell is determined if Preferred Width is specified. |
Previous | Gets the previous cell in a row. |
Range | Gets a document range that contains the cell content, including the table paragraph mark. |
RightPadding | Gets or sets the amount of space to the right of the contents of a single cell in a table. |
Row | Gets the row to which the current cell belongs. |
Table | Provides access to the parent table. |
TextDirection | Gets or sets the content direction in a table cell. |
TopPadding | Gets or sets the amount of space above the contents of a single cell in a table. |
VerticalAlignment | Gets or sets the vertical justification of content inside a table cell. |
VerticalMerging | Obtains the vertical merge state of the current cell (whether the cell is merged vertically) and its relative position in a merged object. |
WordWrap | Gets or sets whether the text is wrapped to multiple lines and the cell height is increased to fit the content so that the cell width remains the same. |
See Also