CellRange Interface
Defines a range of cells and serves as the base for the Cell, CellCollection, Column and Row interfaces.
Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet
Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.2.Core.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core
#Related API Members
The following members return CellRange objects:
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The CellRange interface provides the basic functionality to work with worksheet cells, cell ranges and rows and columns. Refer to the Cells and Formatting Cells sections for examples on how to manage data in cells and change cell appearance.
This example demonstrates how to access ranges of cells in a worksheet. There are several ways to accomplish this.
- The Worksheet.Item property obtains cell ranges defined by a cell reference (using A1 style) or a defined name.
- Ranges defined by a cell reference (using R1C1 or other reference styles), a defined name in a workbook, or by indexes of the bounding rows and columns - use the IRangeProvider.Item, IRangeProvider.Parse and IRangeProvider.FromLTRB members. Access the IRangeProvider object by the Worksheet.Range or IWorkbook.Range property.
// A range that includes cells from the top left cell (A1) to the bottom right cell (B5).
CellRange rangeA1B5 = worksheet["A1:B5"];
// A rectangular range that includes cells from the top left cell (C5) to the bottom right cell (E7).
CellRange rangeC5E7 = worksheet["C5:E7"];
// The C4:E7 cell range located in the "Sheet3" worksheet.
CellRange rangeSheet3C4E7 = workbook.Range["Sheet3!C4:E7"];
// A range that contains a single cell (E7).
CellRange rangeE7 = worksheet["E7"];
// A range that includes the entire column A.
CellRange rangeColumnA = worksheet["A:A"];
// A range that includes the entire row 5.
CellRange rangeRow5 = worksheet["5:5"];
// A minimal rectangular range that includes all listed cells: C6, D9 and E7.
CellRange rangeC6D9E7 = worksheet.Range.Parse("C6:D9:E7");
// A rectangular range whose left column index is 0, top row index is 0,
// right column index is 3 and bottom row index is 2. This is the A1:D3 cell range.
CellRange rangeA1D3 = worksheet.Range.FromLTRB(0, 0, 3, 2);
// A range that includes the intersection of two ranges: C5:E10 and E9:G13.
// This is the E9:E10 cell range.
CellRange rangeE9E10 = worksheet["C5:E10 E9:G13"];
// Create a defined name for the D20:G23 cell range.
worksheet.DefinedNames.Add("MyNamedRange", "Sheet1!$D$20:$G$23");
// Access a range by its defined name.
CellRange rangeD20G23 = worksheet["MyNamedRange"];
CellRange rangeA1D4 = worksheet["A1:D4"];
CellRange rangeD5E7 = worksheet["D5:E7"];
CellRange rangeRow11 = worksheet["11:11"];
CellRange rangeF7 = worksheet["F7"];
// Create a complex range using the Range.Union method.
CellRange complexRange1 = worksheet["A7:A9"].Union(rangeD5E7);
// Create a complex range using the IRangeProvider.Union method.
CellRange complexRange2 = worksheet.Range.Union(new CellRange[] { rangeRow11, rangeA1D4, rangeF7 });
// Fill the ranges with different colors.
complexRange1.FillColor = myColor1;
complexRange2.FillColor = myColor2;
// Use the Areas property to get access to a component of a complex range.
complexRange2.Areas[2].FillColor = Color.Beige;
#Extension Methods
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See Also