PivotFieldReferenceCollection Interface
Represents the collection of row or column fields in the PivotTable report.
Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet
Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.2.Core.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core
public interface PivotFieldReferenceCollection :
Related API Members
The following members return PivotFieldReferenceCollection objects:
- Use the PivotTable.RowFields property to access the PivotFieldReferenceCollection collection of fields located in the row axis area of the pivot table.
- Use the PivotTable.ColumnFields property to access the PivotFieldReferenceCollection collection of fields located in the column axis area of the pivot table.
To get an individual row or column field by its name or index in the collection, use the PivotFieldReferenceCollection.Item property.
To add a row or column field to the pivot table, use the PivotFieldReferenceCollection.Add or PivotFieldReferenceCollection.Insert method. To remove a row or column field from the PivotTable report, use the PivotFieldReferenceCollection.Remove or PivotFieldReferenceCollection.RemoveAt method.