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CellRange Properties

Defines a range of cells and serves as the base for the Cell, CellCollection, Column and Row interfaces.
Name Description
Alignment Provides access to cell alignment. Inherited from Formatting.
Areas Provides access to the ranges that comprise a complex (union) range.
ArrayFormula Gets or sets the array formula associated with the cell or cell range.
ArrayFormulaInvariant Gets or sets the array formula in the invariant culture.
Borders Provides access to cell borders. Inherited from Formatting.
BottomRowIndex Gets the index of the row that includes the bottom edge of the cell range.
ColumnCount Gets the number of columns in the cell range.
ColumnWidth Gets or sets the width of columns that contain this cell range.
ColumnWidthInCharacters Gets or sets the width of columns that contain the cell range in characters of the default font specified by the built-in Normal style.
CurrentRegion Gets a range with non-empty cells surrounded by empty rows and columns.
Dependents Gets a list of ranges (cells) whose formulas refer to the current range or cell, directly or indirectly (at any level).
DirectDependents Gets a list of ranges (cells) whose formulas use the current range or cell.
DirectPrecedents Gets a list of ranges (cells) that are directly referred to in the formulas in the current cell or range.
DynamicArrayFormula Gets or sets the dynamic array formula associated with the cell or cell range.
DynamicArrayFormulaInvariant Gets or sets the dynamic array formula in the invariant culture.
ExistingCells Gets the existing cells in the current cell range.
Fill Provides access to cell background. Inherited from Formatting.
FillColor Gets or sets the cell background color.
Flags Provides access to flags that control which cell format attributes are specified by the applied cell style and which ones are specified by direct cell formatting. Inherited from Formatting.
Font Provides access to the cell font. Inherited from Formatting.
Formula Gets or sets the formula contained in the cell or cell range.
FormulaInvariant Gets or sets the range formula in the invariant culture.
HasArrayFormula Determines whether the current cell or cell range intersects a range filled with a legacy array formula.
HasData Checks whether the current cell range contains data.
HasDynamicArrayFormula Determines whether the current cell or cell range intersects a range filled with a dynamic array formula.
HasFormula Determines whether all cells in the range contain a formula.
HasRichText Gets a value indicating whether a cell contains rich formatted text.
IsMerged Determines whether the range is created by merging cells.
Item[Int32, Int32] Gets an individual cell by row and column offsets from the top left cell of the current range.
Item[Int32] Gets an individual cell by its index in the range of cells.
LeftColumnIndex Gets the index of the column that includes the left edge of the cell range.
Name Gets or sets the name of the cell range.
NumberFormat Specifies a number format for a numeric cell value in the invariant culture. Inherited from Formatting.
NumberFormatLocal Specifies a number format for a numeric cell value based on the current (local) culture. Inherited from Formatting.
Precedents Gets a list of ranges (cells) that are used by a formula in the current cell or range.
Protection Provides access to options which are in effect when the worksheet is protected. Inherited from Formatting.
RightColumnIndex Gets the index of the column that includes the right edge of the cell range.
RowCount Gets the number of rows in the cell range.
RowHeight Gets or sets the height of rows that contain this cell range.
Style Gets or sets the style applied to the current range of cells.
TopRowIndex Gets the index of the row that includes the top edge of the cell range.
Value Gets or sets a cell value.
Worksheet Gets the worksheet that contains the cell range.
See Also