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PivotGridControl.CustomCustomizationFormSort Event

Allows you to change fields and folders order in the Customization Form.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.PivotGrid


public event CustomCustomizationFormSortEventHandler CustomCustomizationFormSort

Event Data

The CustomCustomizationFormSort event's data class is CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Caption1 Gets the first folder to be compared. Inherited from CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgsBase<T>.
Caption2 Gets the second folder to be compared. Inherited from CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgsBase<T>.
Field1 Gets the first field to be compared. Inherited from CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgsBase<T>.
Field2 Gets the second field to be compared. Inherited from CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgsBase<T>.
Result Gets or sets the result of a custom comparison. Inherited from CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgsBase<T>.


Handle the CustomCustomizationFormSort event to sort fields and folders located in the Customization Form. Use the CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgsBase<T>.Result property to set the result of the custom comparison of the two fields or folders being processed. The fields being processed are specified by the CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgsBase<T>.Field1 and CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgsBase<T>.Field2 properties. The folders being compared are specified by the CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgsBase<T>.Caption1 and CustomCustomizationFormSortEventArgsBase<T>.Caption2 properties.

See Also