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PivotGridControl.CustomCellValue Event

Allows you to replace cell values with values calculated in the event handler.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.PivotGrid


public event EventHandler<PivotCellValueEventArgs> CustomCellValue

Event Data

The CustomCellValue event's data class is PivotCellValueEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ColumnCustomTotal Gets the column custom total which displays the current cell. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
ColumnField Gets the innermost column field which corresponds to the processed cell. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
ColumnFieldIndex For internal use. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
ColumnIndex Gets the visual index of the column that contains the processed cell. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
ColumnValueType Gets the type of column which contains the processed cell. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
DataField Gets the data field which identifies the column where the processed cell resides. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
RowCustomTotal Gets the row custom total which contains the current cell. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
RowField Gets the innermost row field that corresponds to the processed cell. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
RowFieldIndex For internal use. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
RowIndex Gets the index of the row that contains the processed cell. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
RowValueType Gets the type of row that contains the processed cell. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
SummaryType Gets the summary type of the currently processed value. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
SummaryValue Gets the summary value currently being processed. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
Value Gets or sets the processed cell’s value.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
CreateDrillDownDataSource() Returns data records used to calculate a summary value for the cell. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
CreateDrillDownDataSource(List<String>) Returns data records used to calculate a summary value for the current cell. Allows you to specify the columns to return. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
CreateDrillDownDataSource(Int32, List<String>) Returns data records used to calculate a summary value for the current cell. Allows you to specify the columns and limit the number of records to return. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
CreateDrillDownDataSource(Int32) Returns data records used to calculate a summary value for the current cell. Allows you to specify the columns and limit the number of records to return. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
CreateOLAPDrillDownDataSource(List<String>) Obsolete. In OLAP mode, returns a list of records used to calculate a summary value for the current cell. Allows you to specify the columns to be returned. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
CreateOLAPDrillDownDataSource(Int32, List<String>) Obsolete. In OLAP mode, returns a list of records used to calculate a summary value for the current cell. Allows you to specify the columns and limit the number of records to be returned. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
CreateServerModeDrillDownDataSource(List<String>) Obsolete. In server mode, returns a list of records used to calculate a summary value for the current cell. Allows you to specify the columns to be returned. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
CreateServerModeDrillDownDataSource(Int32, List<String>) Obsolete. In server mode, returns a list of records used to calculate a summary value for the current cell. Allows you to specify the columns and limit the number of records to be returned. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
CreateSummaryDataSource() Returns a summary data source. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetCellValue(TField) Returns a cell value calculated against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetCellValue(Int32, Int32) Returns a cell value by the column and row indexes. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetCellValue(Object[], Object[], TField) Returns a cell value calculated for the specified column and row field values, against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetColumnFields() Returns an array of column fields that correspond to the current cell. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetColumnGrandTotal(TField) Returns a Column Grand Total value calculated for the current row field values, against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetColumnGrandTotal(Object[], TField) Returns a Column Grand Total value calculated for the specified row field values, against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetFieldValue(TField, Int32) Returns the specified column or row field’s value for the cell, addressed by its zero-based index in the data area. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetFieldValue(TField) Returns the value of the specified column or row field that identifies the column/row in which the processed cell resides. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetGrandTotal(TField) Gets the Grand Total value for the specified field. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetNextColumnCellValue(TField) Returns the value of the cell in the same row but in the next column. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetNextRowCellValue(TField) Returns the value of the cell in the next row. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetPrevColumnCellValue(TField) Returns the value of the cell in the same row but in the previous column. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetPrevRowCellValue(TField) Returns the value of the cell in the previous row. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetRowFields() Returns an array of the row fields that correspond to the current cell. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetRowGrandTotal(TField) Returns a Row Grand Total value calculated for the current column field values, against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
GetRowGrandTotal(Object[], TField) Returns a Row Grand Total value calculated for the specified column field values, against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
IsFieldValueExpanded(TField) Indicates whether the specified field’s value that represents the row or column header of the processed cell is expanded. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
IsFieldValueRetrievable(TField) Gets whether the value of the specified column or row field can be retrieved for the current cell by the PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.GetFieldValue method. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.
IsOthersFieldValue(TField) Indicates whether the processed data cell resides within the “Others” row/column when the Top X Value feature is enabled. Inherited from PivotCellEventArgsBase<TField, TData, TCustomTotal>.


The CustomCellValue event fires after all pivot calculations, when cell values are filtered, grouped, and sorted. The PivotGridControl raises the CustomCellValue event for each cell and you can modify cell values at the final stage before display.

When this event occurs, all cell positions are determined. An event handler can perform custom calculations based on a cell with a known position. The cell position is specified by row and column indices or relative to the current cell (next or previous row or column).

You can perform custom calculations and assign the result to the PivotCellValueEventArgs.Value property.

The PivotCellValueEventArgs class contains event data and provides properties and methods to obtain all data and summatries related to the current cell, the cell position and values of the adjacent cells.

The CustomCellValue event cannot be used to sort rows or columns by custom values. Sorting by custom summary values in the event handler may cause an infinite loop because a value change may change the cell order and trigger the event. Handle the CustomSummary event instead. It allows you to access cells unrelated to their visual position and use the result to sort rows and columns.

For more information on summary values (totals) refer to the Summarization - Totals and UI Elements - Totals articles.

To format a displayed value, handle the PivotGridControl.CustomCellDisplayText event that raises after the CustomCellValue event.


Do not change cell values, modify the control’s layout, or change the control’s object model in the events used for custom control painting. Actions that update the layout can cause the control to malfunction.


This example demonstrates how to handle the CustomCellValue event to hide field row totals and grand totals. The total values remain hidden when you expand or collapse field values.


View Example: Pivot Grid for WinForms - Hide Row Totals

using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
using DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;

namespace HideTotalsCustomCellValueExample {
    public partial class Form1 : XtraForm {
        public Form1() {
            pivotGridControl1.CustomCellValue += pivotGridControl1_CustomCellValue;
            BindingList<PivotData> data = new BindingList<PivotData>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                data.Add(new PivotData() { Group = "Group " + i % 4, Row = "Row " + i % 5, 
                    Column = "Column" + i % 3, Value = i });
            pivotGridControl1.DataSource = data;

        private void pivotGridControl1_CustomCellValue(object sender, PivotCellValueEventArgs e) {
            if (e.DataField == fieldLowLevel) {
                PivotGridField lastLevelField = 
                if(e.RowValueType == PivotGridValueType.Total 
                    || e.RowValueType == PivotGridValueType.GrandTotal 
                    || e.RowField != lastLevelField)
                    e.Value = null;
    class PivotData {
        public string Group { get; set; }
        public string Row { get; set; }
        public string Column { get; set; }
        public decimal Value { get; set; }

More Examples

View Example: How to Use the Other Cell's Values in the Current Cell Value Calculation

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See Also