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PivotXlsxExportOptions Class

Contains Pivot Grid options that define how a document is exported to XLSX format in the data-aware export mode.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.v24.2.dll


public class PivotXlsxExportOptions :


When exporting the Pivot Grid control to XLSX format using the PivotGridControl.ExportToXlsx method, you can create a PivotXlsxExportOptions instance, specify the required options and pass this object as the method’s parameter.

You can also specify export options for individual cells or cell types by handling the PivotXlsxExportOptions.CustomizeCell event. This event is raised before a data cell is exported to the Excel document. Use the CustomizePivotCellEventArgs.RowType and CustomizePivotCellEventArgs.ColumnType parameters to identify a row and column containing the cell. To specify the cell location in the exported Excel document, use the CustomizePivotCellEventArgs.ExportArea property. To customize the cell format, use the CustomizePivotCellEventArgs.Formatting property.


Set the CustomizePivotCellEventArgs.Handled parameter to true to export cells with custom formatting.

See Also