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RepositoryItemTextEdit.CustomizeAutoCompleteSource Event

Allows you to dynamically supply custom auto-complete text suggestions each time a user types a new word in the text box. This event is in effect in advanced mode when the AutoCompleteSource option is set to CustomSource, and the AutoCompleteMode option is set to SuggestSingleWord.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll


public event TextEditCustomizeAutoCompleteSourceEventHandler CustomizeAutoCompleteSource

Event Data

The CustomizeAutoCompleteSource event's data class is TextEditCustomizeAutoCompleteSourceEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
CharIndex Gets the caret position in the current line.
CustomSource Allows you to specify custom auto-complete suggestions for the current word (EditingWord).
EditingWord Gets the current word that the user is typing.
Handled Gets or sets whether to display custom suggestions (CustomSource) in the drop-down list as is, or to filter this list to display only those items in the drop-down that start with the current word being edited (EditingWord).
LineIndex Gets the current line index (in a multi-line text editor).
LineText Gets the text displayed in the current line.


When the AutoCompleteMode option is set to SuggestSingleWord and the AutoCompleteSource option is set to CustomSource, you can supply custom auto-complete suggestions for words entered in the text editor as follows:

  • Use the CustomizeAutoCompleteSource event to supply custom auto-complete suggestions dynamically. For example, you can supply auto-complete suggestions based on the caret position within the edit box, or based on the typed word. You can also handle this event to display auto-complete suggestions that contain the currently typed word (see the example below).
  • Use the TextEditAdvancedModeOptions.AutoCompleteCustomSource collection to supply the default collection of auto-complete suggestions. The editor filters this collection to display those auto-complete items that start with the edit word. The TextEditAdvancedModeOptions.AutoCompleteCustomSource property has lower priority than the CustomizeAutoCompleteSource event.

The CustomizeAutoCompleteSource event triggers every time a user types or deletes a character in the edit box.


The example below handles the CustomizeAutoCompleteSource event to supply auto-complete suggestions to a text editor. The handler filters the suggestions to display those items that contain the typed word.

Custom auto-complete source

textEdit1.Properties.UseAdvancedMode = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True;
textEdit1.Properties.AdvancedModeOptions.AutoCompleteMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.TextEditAutoCompleteMode.SuggestSingleWord;
textEdit1.Properties.AdvancedModeOptions.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
textEdit1.Properties.CustomizeAutoCompleteSource += textEdit1_CustomizeAutoCompleteSource;

string[] autoCompleteItems = new string[] { "apricot", "apple", "pear", "lime", "lemon", "blueberry", "banana", "pineapple" };

private void textEdit1_CustomizeAutoCompleteSource(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.TextEditCustomizeAutoCompleteSourceEventArgs e) {
    string editingWord = e.EditingWord.ToLower();
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editingWord))
        e.CustomSource = autoCompleteItems;
    else {
        List<string> customSource = new List<string>();
        foreach (string item in autoCompleteItems) {
            if (item.ToLower().Contains(editingWord))
        e.CustomSource = customSource.ToArray();
    // Set the Handled parameter to 'true' to display the supplied auto-complete suggestions (e.CustomSource) as is.
    e.Handled = true;
See Also