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RepositoryItemColorEdit.TextEditStyle Property

Gets or sets the style in which text is displayed in the control’s edit box.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll


public override TextEditStyles TextEditStyle { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Default Description
TextEditStyles DisableTextEditor

The TextEditStyles value determining the editing style.

Available values:

Name Description

A button editor works in its normal way. Editing and selecting text is allowed.



The text editing region is not visible and the editor displays only buttons contained in the current button editor. If no buttons can be displayed (for instance because of setting the EditorButton.Visible property to False), the editor displays an empty region in this case.



A button editor is displayed in its normal way. However, editing and selecting text is not allowed. If you want to enable a user to select text but disable text modifications, you can set the text editing style to Standard and set the RepositoryItem.ReadOnly property to true.



The TextEditStyle property specifies how text and buttons are displayed and edited by the button editor. The editing styles available are enumerated by the TextEditStyles type.

The property has been overridden to prevent text being edited within the edit box. The property can only be set to TextEditStyles.DisableTextEditor or TextEditStyles.HideTextEditor.

You cannot set the property to TextEditStyles.Standard. In this case, TextEditStyle is actually set to TextEditStyles.DisableTextEditor, thus disabling editing/selecting text in the edit box.

See Also