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LookUpColumnInfo Constructors

A column for a lookup editor.
Name Parameters Description
LookUpColumnInfo() none Creates an instance of the LookUpColumnInfo class and sets its properties to default values.
LookUpColumnInfo(String, Int32, String) fieldName, width, caption Creates an instance of the LookUpColumnInfo class and initializes its field name, caption and width.
LookUpColumnInfo(String, Int32) fieldName, width Creates an instance of the LookUpColumnInfo class and sets its field name and width to the specified values.
LookUpColumnInfo(String, String, Int32, FormatType, String, Boolean, HorzAlignment, ColumnSortOrder, DefaultBoolean) fieldName, caption, width, formatType, formatString, visible, alignment, sortOrder, allowSort Initializes a new instance of the LookUpColumnInfo class with the specified settings.
LookUpColumnInfo(String, String, Int32, FormatType, String, Boolean, HorzAlignment, ColumnSortOrder) fieldName, caption, width, formatType, formatString, visible, alignment, sortOrder Initializes a new instance of the LookUpColumnInfo class with the specified settings.
LookUpColumnInfo(String, String, Int32, FormatType, String, Boolean, HorzAlignment) fieldName, caption, width, formatType, formatString, visible, alignment Creates an instance of the LookUpColumnInfo class and sets all its properties to specified values.
LookUpColumnInfo(String, String, Int32) fieldName, caption, width Creates an instance of the LookUpColumnInfo class and initializes its field name, caption and width.
LookUpColumnInfo(String, String) fieldName, caption Initializes a new instance of the LookUpColumnInfo class with the specified field name and caption.
LookUpColumnInfo(String) fieldName Creates an instance of the LookUpColumnInfo class and sets its field name to the specified value.
See Also