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FlyoutPanel.ShowBeakForm(Point, Boolean, Control, Point, IFlyoutPanelPopupController) Method

Displays the current FlyoutPanel as a beak form at the specified position with the specified offset using an animation effect specified by the OptionsBeakForm.AnimationType property or immediately.

Namespace: DevExpress.Utils

Assembly: DevExpress.Utils.v24.1.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Utils, DevExpress.Wpf.Core


public void ShowBeakForm(
    Point location,
    bool immediate,
    Control ownerControl,
    Point offset,
    IFlyoutPanelPopupController controller


Name Type Description
location Point

A System.Drawing.Point structure that specifies the location on the screen where the beak form should be displayed.

immediate Boolean

true if the beak form should be displayed immediately; otherwise, false.

ownerControl Control

A Control that owns the current FlyoutPanel.

offset Point

A System.Drawing.Point structure by which the location specified with the loc parameter should be translated.

controller DevExpress.Utils.IFlyoutPanelPopupController

An IFlyoutPanelPopupController implementation that specifies the beak form behavior. For instance, whether to automatically close the opened beak form on a mouse move depending on the mouse coordinates relative to the form location.


The ShowBeakForm method shows the current FlyoutPanel as a beak form using an animation effect specified by the OptionsBeakForm.AnimationType property or immediately. To specify the animation speed, use the FlyoutPanel.AnimationRate property.

To hide the displayed beak form, use the FlyoutPanel.HideBeakForm method.

See Also