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Included Components

The following grid-based components are included in the DevExpress.XtraGrid assembly.

Component Description
GridControl Displays data from a data source as a table, cards, tiles, or in other formats.
GridLookUpEdit An editor that has lookup functionality using a feature-rich dropdown Data Grid (GridControl). You can display lookup records in a tabular format, banded tabular format, or as tiles (which can be arranged in one or multiple columns/rows, rendered as a list or a Kanban board).
GridSplitContainer A satellite control that allows the Data Grid to split its client area into two resizeable regions, separated by a splitter.
SearchLookUpEdit The lookup editor with integrated search. You can display lookup records in a tabular format, banded tabular format, or as tiles (which can be arranged in one or multiple columns/rows, rendered as a list or a Kanban board).