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SchedulerDataStorage Component

  • 2 minutes to read

What is the Scheduler Data Storage?

The SchedulerDataStorage is a stand-alone component that loads all Scheduler data (appointments, resources, appointment dependencies, statuses, and labels) from external data sources. This component is automatically added when you drop a SchedulerControl onto the form, but you can add more storages from the Visual Studio toolbox.

Use the SchedulerControl.DataStorage property to assign the storage to a Scheduler.

Data Binding

This storage uses the following collections to store data retrieved from external sources:

You can use the SchedulerControl‘s or the storage’s smart tags to bind these collections to data sources. See the Data Binding and Getting Started articles for the details.

Scheduler - Binding step 1

Data Exchange

In addition to direct data binding, you can import and export the storage data to/from Microsoft Outlook, iCalendars and vCalendars (ver. 1.0) using the following methods:

Import data

Export data


You need to map source data fields to the required object properties after the storage collection (for example, the SchedulerDataStorage.Appointments) receives a data source using the Scheduler’s wizards. They can analyze the available data fields and map them automatically.

Scheduler - Mappings Wizard

Refer to the Mappings article to learn more.

Storage Events

Modifying storage data raises the following events that allow you to perform additional actions and\or cancel these changes:

Member Name Description
SchedulerDataStorage.AppointmentInserting Fires when a new appointment is about to be added to the persistent storage.
SchedulerDataStorage.AppointmentsInserted Occurs after a new appointment is added to the persistent storage.
SchedulerDataStorage.AppointmentChanging Fires when an appointment is about to be modified.
SchedulerDataStorage.AppointmentsChanged Occurs when appointments have been changed.
SchedulerDataStorage.AppointmentDeleting Fires when the appointment is about to be deleted.
SchedulerDataStorage.AppointmentsDeleted Occurs when appointments have been deleted.
SchedulerDataStorage.ResourceInserting Allows you to cancel the addition of a resource.
SchedulerDataStorage.ResourcesInserted Occurs when new resources are inserted into the scheduler storage.
SchedulerDataStorage.ResourceChanging Fires when a resource’s property is about to be changed.
SchedulerDataStorage.ResourcesChanged Occurs when a scheduler’s resource in a collection is changed.
SchedulerDataStorage.ResourceDeleting Allows the deletion of a resource to be cancelled.
SchedulerDataStorage.ResourcesDeleted Occurs after a scheduler’s resource(s) is deleted.

You can download the event viewer to track when data storage events raise.

See Also