Show(IEnumerable<UICommand>, Window, String, UIElement, ImageSource, MessageBoxOptions, WindowStartupLocation, WindowTitleAlignment, Nullable<Boolean>)
messageBoxButtons, owner, title, messageContent, image, options, windowStartupLocation, titleAlignment, showActivated
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(IEnumerable<UICommand>, Window, String, UIElement, MessageBoxImage, Boolean, MessageBoxOptions, WindowStartupLocation, WindowTitleAlignment, Nullable<Boolean>)
messageBoxButtons, owner, title, messageContent, icon, usePngImages, options, windowStartupLocation, titleAlignment, showActivated
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, IEnumerable<UICommand>, Window, String, ImageSource, MessageBoxOptions, WindowStartupLocation, WindowTitleAlignment, Nullable<Boolean>)
text, messageBoxButtons, owner, title, image, options, windowStartupLocation, titleAlignment, showActivated
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, IEnumerable<UICommand>, Window, String, MessageBoxImage, Boolean, MessageBoxOptions, WindowStartupLocation, WindowTitleAlignment, Nullable<Boolean>)
text, messageBoxButtons, owner, title, icon, usePngImages, options, windowStartupLocation, titleAlignment, showActivated
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, String, ThemedMessageBoxParameters)
title, text, messageBoxParameters
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, String, IEnumerable<UICommand>, ThemedMessageBoxParameters)
title, text, messageBoxButtons, messageBoxParameters
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, String, ImageSource)
title, text, image
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, String, MessageBoxButton, Nullable<MessageBoxResult>, ThemedMessageBoxParameters)
title, text, messageBoxButtons, defaultButton, messageBoxParameters
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, String, MessageBoxButton, ImageSource)
title, text, messageBoxButtons, image
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, String, MessageBoxButton, MessageBoxImage)
title, text, messageBoxButtons, image
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, String, MessageBoxButton)
title, text, messageBoxButtons
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, String, MessageBoxImage)
title, text, image
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, String)
title, text
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(String, MessageBoxButton)
title, messageBoxButtons
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(Window, String, String, MessageBoxButton, Nullable<MessageBoxResult>, ImageSource, MessageBoxOptions, WindowStartupLocation, WindowTitleAlignment, Nullable<Boolean>)
owner, title, text, messageBoxButtons, defaultButton, image, options, windowStartupLocation, titleAlignment, showActivated
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(Window, String, String, MessageBoxButton, Nullable<MessageBoxResult>, MessageBoxImage, Boolean, MessageBoxOptions, WindowStartupLocation, WindowTitleAlignment, Nullable<Boolean>)
owner, title, text, messageBoxButtons, defaultButton, icon, usePngImages, options, windowStartupLocation, titleAlignment, showActivated
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(Window, String, UIElement, MessageBoxButton, Nullable<MessageBoxResult>, ImageSource, MessageBoxOptions, WindowStartupLocation, WindowTitleAlignment, Nullable<Boolean>)
owner, title, messageContent, messageBoxButtons, defaultButton, image, options, windowStartupLocation, titleAlignment, showActivated
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.
Show(Window, String, UIElement, MessageBoxButton, Nullable<MessageBoxResult>, MessageBoxImage, Boolean, MessageBoxOptions, WindowStartupLocation, WindowTitleAlignment, Nullable<Boolean>)
owner, title, messageContent, messageBoxButtons, defaultButton, icon, usePngImages, options, windowStartupLocation, titleAlignment, showActivated
Displays a ThemedMessageBox window. A result returned when the window is closed.