Fibonacci Indicators
- 4 minutes to read
The Chart control provides Fibonacci Arcs, Fibonacci Fans, and Fibonacci Retracement indicators. These indicators are calculated based on the Fibonacci sequence and used to expose the golden ratio symmetry between two given series points in various visual forms.
This document contains the following sections:
- How to Add the Fibonacci Arcs Indicator to a Series
- How to Add the Fibonacci Fans Indicator to a Series
- How to Add the Fibonacci Retracement Indicator to a Series
- How to Modify Fibonacci Indicator’s Labels
#How to Add the Fibonacci Arcs Indicator to a Series
Fibonacci Arcs are shown as concentric circles whose centers are on the first point the FinancialIndicator.Argument1 and FinancialIndicator.ValueLevel1 properties define. The distance between the first and second point (defined by the FinancialIndicator.Argument2 and FinancialIndicator.ValueLevel2 properties) is the radius of the Fibonacci Arc that indicates level 1. Intermediate arc radii are defined based on the Fibonacci ratios in proportion to this distance.
The markup below demonstrates how to add the Fibonacci Arcs indicator to the chart.
<dxc:FibonacciArcs Argument1="2016/07/01"
LegendText="Fibonacci Arcs">
The following table lists classes and properties used in this markup:
Class or Property | Description |
XYSeries2D. |
The series indicator collection. |
Fibonacci |
The Fibonacci Arcs indicator. |
Financial |
The first point’s argument. |
Financial |
The first point’s value level. |
Financial |
The second point’s argument. |
Financial |
The second point’s value level. |
Fibonacci |
Specifies whether to show the Fibonacci indicator’s 23. |
Fibonacci |
Defines whether to show the Fibonacci indicator’s 76. |
Fibonacci |
Specifies whether to show the Fibonacci Arcs indicator’s 100 level. |
Indicator. |
Sets whether to show the indicator in the chart legend. |
Indicator. |
Text that displays with an indicator marker in the legend. |
#How to Add the Fibonacci Fans Indicator to a Series
Several trend lines that fan out from a point the FinancialIndicator.Argument1 and FinancialIndicator.ValueLevel1 properties define, represent the Fibonacci Fans indicator. A line passing through the origin point and a point the FinancialIndicator.Argument2 and FinancialIndicator.ValueLevel2) properties define, is a base level trend line indicating level 0. The Fibonacci ratios specify the other trend lines’ deviation levels in relation to the base level.
The markup below demonstrates how to add the Fibonacci Fans indicator to the chart.
<dxc:FibonacciFans Argument1="2016/06/27"
LegendText="Fibonacci Fans"
The following table lists classes and properties used in this markup:
Class or Property | Description |
XYSeries2D. |
The series indicator collection. |
Fibonacci |
The Fibonacci Fans indicator. |
Financial |
The first point’s argument. |
Financial |
The first point’s value level. |
Financial |
The second point’s argument. |
Financial |
The second point’s value level. |
Fibonacci |
Specifies whether to show the Fibonacci Fans indicator’s 0 level. |
Fibonacci |
Defines whether to show the Fibonacci indicator’s 23. |
Fibonacci |
Defines whether to show the Fibonacci indicator’s 76. |
Indicator. |
Specifies whether to show the indicator in a chart legend. |
Indicator. |
Text that shows with an indicator marker in the legend. |
#How to Add the Fibonacci Retracement Indicator to a Series
The Fibonacci Retracement is several parallel lines. Like the other Fibonacci indicators, the Fibonacci Retracement indicator is based on two points: a horizontal line passing through the first point defines the 100% level; a parallel line drawn through the second point indicates the 0% level. The parallel lines which divide the space between these lines indicate the 38.2%, 50% and 61.8 levels (specified by the key Fibonacci ratios). You can also display additional levels by enabling the FibonacciIndicator.ShowLevel23_6, FibonacciIndicator.ShowLevel76_4 and FibonacciRetracement.ShowAdditionalLevels options.
The markup below demonstrates how to add the Fibonacci Retracement indicator to the chart:
<dxc:FibonacciRetracement Argument1="2016/06/27"
LegendText="Fibonacci Retracement"
The following table lists classes and properties used in this markup:
Class or Property | Description |
XYSeries2D. |
The series indicator collection. |
Fibonacci |
The Fibonacci Retracement indicator. |
Financial |
The first point’s argument. |
Financial |
The first point’s value level. |
Financial |
The second point’s argument. |
Financial |
The second point’s value level. |
Fibonacci |
Specifies whether to show the Fibonacci indicator’s 23. |
Fibonacci |
Defines whether to show the Fibonacci indicator’s 76. |
Fibonacci |
Specifies whether to show the Fibonacci Retracement indicator’s 161. |
Indicator. |
Specifies whether to show the indicator in the chart legend. |
Indicator. |
Text that shows with an indicator marker in the legend. |
#How to Modify Fibonacci Indicator’s Labels
Use the markup below to configure indicator label’s appearance.
<dxc:FibonacciRetracement Argument1="2016/06/27"
<dxc:IndicatorLabel Foreground="Magenta"
The following table lists all the classes and properties used in this markup:
Class or Property | Description |
Fibonacci |
Gets or sets the Fibonacci indicator’s label-related properties. |
Indicator |
Settings that specify the Fibonacci indicator labels’ appearance and position. |