Trend Indicators
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In This Article
Trend Indicators show the tendency of series values to move in a specific direction over time. Trend indicators are commonly used with financial charts.
This document contains the following sections:
#Available Trend Indicators
The Chart control supports the following Trend indicators:
Trend indicator | Class | Specific parameters |
Bollinger Bands | ||
Mass Index | ||
Standard Deviation |
#How to Add a Trend Indicator
You can position the Standard Deviation and Mass Index indicators in a separate pane with a secondary y-axis. The following XAML shows how to add the Standard Deviation Indicator:
<dxc:StockSeries2D DisplayName="Series">
<dxc:StandardDeviation PointsCount="14"
dxc:XYDiagram2D.IndicatorPane="{Binding ElementName=indicatorPane}"
dxc:XYDiagram2D.IndicatorAxisY="{Binding ElementName=indicatorAxisY}"
Legend="{Binding ElementName=indicatorLegend}"
LegendText="Standard Deviation"
<dxc:Pane x:Name="indicatorPane"/>
<dxc:SecondaryAxisY2D x:Name="indicatorAxisY"
<dxc:Range dxc:AxisY2D.AlwaysShowZeroLevel="False"/>
The following table lists classes and properties used to add the Standard Deviation indicator to a chart:
Class or Property | Description |
XYSeries2D. |
The series collection of indicators. |
Standard |
The Standard Deviation indicator. |
Standard |
The number of series points used to build the indicator. |
Standard |
Specifies the point value used to calculate the indicator. |
XYDiagram2D. |
Specifies the pane that contains the indicator. |
XYDiagram2D. |
Specifies the y-axis used with the indicator. |
Indicator. |
Specifies the legend that displays the legend. |
Indicator. |
The text that shows with the identifier marker in the legend. |
Indicator. |
Specifies whether to show the indicator in the legend. |
See Also