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TdxGPImage Constructors

The base class for all DevExpress image containers.
Name Description
Create Inherited from TGraphic.
CreateFromBitmap(TBitmap) Creates a Smart Image container and populates it with the specified bitmap. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromBits(Integer,Integer,TRGBColors,Boolean) Creates a new Smart Image container and populates it with the specified array of pixel data. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromBits(Integer,Integer,TRGBColors,TAlphaFormat) Creates a new Smart Image container and populates it with the specified array of pixel data. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromBits(Integer,Integer,PRGBQuad,TAlphaFormat) Creates a new Smart Image container and populates it with the specified array of pixel data. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromFile(string) Creates a new Smart Image container and loads the specified image file. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromHBitmap(HBITMAP) Creates a Smart Image container and populates it with a TBitmap from the specified handle. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromStream(TStream) Creates a Smart Image object from the specified stream that contains an image. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateSize(Integer,Integer,TdxAlphaColor) Creates a Smart Image object with the stored image filled with the specified color. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateSize(TRect,TdxAlphaColor) Creates a new Smart Image container of the specified size and color. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateSize(TSize,TdxAlphaColor) Creates a new Smart Image container of the specified size and color. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
See Also