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CreateFromBits(Integer,Integer,PRGBQuad,TAlphaFormat) Constructor

Creates a new Smart Image container and populates it with the specified array of pixel data.


constructor CreateFromBits(AWidth: Integer; AHeight: Integer; const ABits: PRGBQuad; AAlphaFormat: TAlphaFormat); overload; virtual;


Name Type Description
AWidth Integer

The loaded image’s width, in pixels.

AHeight Integer

The loaded image’s height, in pixels.

ABits PRGBQuad

The pointer to the source array of TRGBQuad values.

AAlphaFormat TAlphaFormat

Specifies how the constructor interprets reserved color bytes in the source array of TRGBQuad values. The TBitmap.AlphaFormat property works similarly to the AAlphaFormat parameter. Refer to the table below for details.


Call this constructor to create a Smart Image container populated with pixel color data passed as the ABits parameter. Use the AAlphaFormat parameter to determine how the constructor interprets the accepted array of TRGBQuad values:

AAlphaFormat Value Description
afIgnored The constructor ignores reserved byte values.
afPremultiplied The constructor loads reserved bytes as alpha values. The corresponding red, green, and blue color values are treated as pre-multiplied by the loaded alpha value.
afDefined The constructor loads reserved bytes as alpha values. The corresponding red, green, and blue color values remain unchanged.

You can call the LoadFromBits procedure to load an array of pixel color data to an existing Smart Image container.

See Also