TdxGPBrush Class
An advanced brush used to paint on a drawing surface (also called a canvas).
TdxGPBrush = class(
This class implements the advanced brush with transparency, texture, and gradient fill support. A TdxGPBrush object can be used to paint various surfaces composing complex shapes:
The brush layout area always matches the bounding rectangle of the painted shape (or surface). When a surface is painted, the actual shape of the displayed element is applied to the brush layout as a mask (i.e., limits the visible portion of the brush layout):
The TdxGPBrush class extends its ancestor class with the following members, allowing you to:
Select one of the brush painting modes (the Style property);
Assign the TdxAlphaColor value used to paint the brush in the solid fill mode (the Color property);
Set the image and accompanying properties for the texture fill mode (the Texture property);
Manage the list of key gradient points for the gradient fill mode (the GradientPoints property);
Select one of the available directions of the line on which the key gradient points are located (the GradientMode property; like with the GradientPoints property, its value is taken into account only in the gradient fill mode);
A TdxGPBrush object is referenced by:
The Brush property implemented in the TdxSpreadSheetShape class.