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TdxChartXYSeries Properties

A series in an XY diagram.
Name Description
Caption Specifies the series caption. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
CheckableInLegend Specifies if users can hide or display the XY series in the chart legend. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
DataBinding Provides access to data binding settings. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
DataBindingClass Specifies the reference to the data binding class that corresponds to the active data access mode. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
DataBindingType Specifies the active data access mode. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
Diagram Specifies the diagram to which the series belongs. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
EmptyPointsDisplayMode Specifies how the Chart control displays empty points in the series. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
Index Specifies the index of the series in its diagram. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
Points Provides access to the series point collection. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
ShowInLegend Specifies if the series is visible in the chart or diagram legend. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
SortBy Specifies if the series sorts its data points by their arguments or values. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
SortOrder Specifies the sort order for the series. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
StoredName Specifies the custom name for saving series data to a stream. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
Title protected Specifies the series title, and its appearance and position in the diagram to which the series belong. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
ToolTips Provides access to series tooltip settings. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
TopNOptions protected Specifies how the simple series determines the top N points and displays them. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
View Provides access to the active series View settings.
ViewClass Specifies the reference to the series View settings class that corresponds to the active series View type. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
ViewType Specifies the active series View type. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
Visible Specifies if the series is visible in its diagram. Inherited from TdxChartCustomSeries.
See Also