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TdxChartSecondaryAxes Class

Stores and manages secondary axis collections.


TdxChartSecondaryAxes = class(


A secondary axis of arguments or values allows you to complement the main axis of arguments (X-axis) or the main axis of values (Y-axis) with a different scale. For example, secondary axes can be useful if you need to display multiple scales with different measurement units simultaneously.

VCL Chart Control: A Secondary Axis of Values Example

Main API Members

The list below outlines key members of the TdxChartSecondaryAxes class that allow you to access and manage all secondary axes in an XY diagram.

AxesX | AxesY
Provide access to collections of secondary axes of arguments and values.
Copies secondary axis collections between XY diagrams.

Direct TdxChartSecondaryAxes Class Reference

The TdxChartXYDiagram.SecondaryAxes property references a TdxChartSecondaryAxes object.

See Also