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TdxChartAxisGridlines Class

Stores appearance settings of grid lines associated with an axis.


TdxChartAxisGridlines = class(


Major and minor grid lines correspond to major and minor tick marks on the axis of arguments and the axis of values. Grid lines help users compare series points with value labels on an axis.

VCL Chart Control: Major and Minor Grid Lines

Main API Members

The list below outlines key class members that allow you to display grid lines and customize their appearance.

Appearance Settings

Color | MinorColor
Allow you to change major and minor grid line colors.
Style | MinorStyle
Specify stroke styles for major and minor grid lines.
Thickness | MinorThickness
Allow you to adjust thickness of major and minor grid lines.

General-Purpose API Members

Visible | MinorVisible
Hide or display major and minor grid lines.
BeginUpdate | EndUpdate | CancelUpdate
Allow you to avoid excessive redraw operations during batch axis appearance setting changes.
Copies general appearance settings between axes.

Direct TdxChartAxisGridlines Class References

The Gridlines property of an axis references a TdxChartAxisGridlines object.

See Also