TdxVisualRefinements.EndUpdate Method
Applies any pending appearance changes made after a BeginUpdate procedure call.
class procedure EndUpdate; static;
Every time a HeaderPadding, Padding, LightBorders, or UsePaddingForStandaloneEditors property value changes, all affected DevExpress controls redraw themselves to reflect the change. Enclose multiple global visual changes between BeginUpdate and EndUpdate
procedure calls to avoid excessive redraw operations.
#BeginUpdate/EndUpdate and Batch Changes
A BeginUpdate procedure call disables notifications and postpones all changes until an EndUpdate
call. A subsequent EndUpdate
call does the following:
- Re-enables change notifications and the corresponding redraw operations
- Applies all changes made after a BeginUpdate call
- Sends the corresponding notifications in a batch
- Redraws all affected DevExpress controls
Ensure that every BeginEnd
call, even if an exception occurs. Otherwise, your application’s UI remains frozen and unresponsive.
#Code Example: Apply Custom Padding to All Editors
The following code example adds 5
pixels to left and right paddings, and 2
pixels to top and bottom paddings in container controls and standalone editors:
cxLookAndFeels, // Adds the cxLookAndFeels unit to use the TdxVisualRefinements class
// ...
TdxVisualRefinements.BeginUpdate; // Initiates the following batch change
TdxVisualRefinements.Padding := Rect(5, 2, 5, 2);
TdxVisualRefinements.UsePaddingForStandaloneEditors := True;
TdxVisualRefinements.EndUpdate; // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TMyForm, MyForm);