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TcxCustomListView.OnGetSubItemImage Event

Occurs when it is required to determine image associated with a sub-item.


property OnGetSubItemImage: TLVSubItemImageEvent read; write;


Handle the OnGetSubImageIndex event if you wish to take some specific action when the TcxListView control attempts to retrieve the index of the image, which is associated with a sub-item. Images that can be associated with the list view sub-items are stored in the SmallImages image list. To assign an image to the sub-item, use the SubItemImages property of a TListItem instance, representing a list view item. The following code demonstrates assigning sub-item images by handling the TForm.OnCreate event:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
 Names: array[0..5, 0..1] of string = (
 ('Rubble', 'Barney'),
 ('Michael', 'Johnson'),
 ('Bunny', 'Bugs'),
 ('Silver', 'HiHo'),
 ('Simpson', 'Bart'),
 ('Squirrel', 'Rocky')
  I: Integer;
  ListItem: TListItem;
  for I := Low(Names) to High(Names) do
    ListItem := cxListView1.Items.Add;
    ListItem.Caption := Names[I][0];
    ListItem.SubItemImages[0] := High(Names) - I;
    ListItem.ImageIndex := I;
    ListItem.StateIndex := 1;

The result is demonstrated on the following screenshot:

By handling the OnGetImageIndex property you can dynamically associated images with specific sub-items.

Sender specifies the TcxCustomInnerListView.

Item specifies the item, whose sub-item’s image index is requested.

SubItem represents the index of the required sub-item within the Item.SubItems collection.

Pass the image index as the ImageIndex parameter.

See Also