TcxCustomHeader.OnSectionChangingSortOrder Event
Occurs before the sort order is changed.
property OnSectionChangingSortOrder: TcxSectionChangingSortOrderEvent read; write;
The OnSectionChangedSortOrder event occurs before the user changes the sort order of the header control. A user can change the sorting order for a section by clicking it. Handle this event if you wish to reject the order change or need to do something before it changes. For example, you may wish to reject the currently applied sorting mode.
Parameter | Meaning |
Sender | The header control, which fired the event. |
Section | A section whose sort order has changed. |
AOld | Previous sort order. Can take the following values:
ANew | New sort order applied. Can take the following values:
Allow | True if new sort order settings are accepted; False if you wish to revert to the previous sort order. |
If you need to do something after the sort order has changed, see the OnSectionChangingSortOrder event.