TdxHyperlinkClickEventArgs.URI Property
In This Article
Specifies the target URI of the clicked hyperlink.
property URI: string read; write;
#Property Value
Type | Description |
string | The target URI of the clicked hyperlink. |
Use the URI
property to identify the clicked hyperlink’s target URI or change it.
#Code Example: Prevent Hyperlink Activation in Layout Items
The code example in this section demonstrates OnHyperlinkClick and OnCreate event handlers. The OnHyperlinkClick event handler prevents users from activating a hyperlink that contains the MAILTO URI scheme. The OnCreate event handler associates the OnHyperlinkClick event handler with all layout items at startup.
This scenario can be useful if you define layout item captions at runtime.
System.StrUtils; // This unit declares the ContainsText global function
// ...
procedure TMyForm.dxLayoutControl1Item1HyperlinkClick(Sender: TObject;
AArgs: TdxHyperlinkClickEventArgs);
if ContainsText(AArgs.URI, 'mailto') then // If the clicked hyperlink contains the "mailto" URI scheme
AArgs.Handled := True; // Prevents hyperlink activation
procedure TMyForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); // Associates all layout items with the declared handler
I: Integer;
for I := 0 to dxLayoutControl1.AbsoluteItemCount - 1 do // Iterates through all layout items
dxLayoutControl1.AbsoluteItems[I].OnHyperlinkClick := dxLayoutControl1Item1HyperlinkClick;
See Also