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WorksheetCollection.Add(String) Method

Creates a new worksheet under the specified name and appends it to the end of the collection.

Namespace: DevExpress.Spreadsheet

Assembly: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Spreadsheet.Core


Worksheet Add(
    string name


Name Type Description
name String

A String value that specifies the worksheet name.


Type Description

A Worksheet object that specifies the new worksheet.


When specifying a worksheet name, take into account the following constraints.

  • The worksheet name must not be equal to an existing name in the worksheet collection.
  • A worksheet name must not exceed 31 characters.
  • A worksheet name must not contain the following symbols: , /, ?, : ,*, [ or ]
  • The worksheet name must not start and end with a single quote (‘).

If the name parameter is an empty string, a new worksheet will be created under a default name like SheetN, where N is a number that is greater by 1 than the maximum number used in worksheet names of the same type. To change the worksheet name, use the Worksheet.Name property.

To insert a new worksheet to the specified position in the collection, use the WorksheetCollection.Insert method.

To remove a worksheet from the collection, use the WorksheetCollection.Remove or WorksheetCollection.RemoveAt method.


This example demonstrates how to add a new worksheet to a workbook. To do this, use the WorksheetCollection.Add method of the WorksheetCollection collection accessed via Workbook.Worksheets.

To insert a worksheet at the specified position in the WorksheetCollection collection, call the WorksheetCollection.Insert method with the passed worksheet zero-based index.

To specify a worksheet name, use the Worksheet.Name property or pass the worksheet name to the WorksheetCollection.Add or WorksheetCollection.Insert method as a parameter. When naming a worksheet, take into account the constraints listed in the How to: Rename a Worksheet document.

View Example

// Add a new worksheet to the workbook. The worksheet will be inserted into the end of the existing worksheet collection
// under the name "SheetN", where N is a number following the largest number used in worksheet names in the previously existing collection.

// Add a new worksheet under the specified name.
workbook.Worksheets.Add().Name = "TestSheet1";


// Add a new worksheet to the specified position in the collection of worksheets.
workbook.Worksheets.Insert(1, "TestSheet3");


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See Also